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              imagine how I felt. I wanted to take it, and that is a whole  now. One of the first things I encountered in spiritual
              wonderful story. I wrote about that in my book My Life  direction outside of Judaism was a nun who told me, “The
              in Jewish Renewal: A Memoir. So, all these people are  whole work of spiritual direction is to diminish or reduce
              very important to me. Then while I was working on my  our resistance to God.” That is such a wonderful thing.
              doctorate at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati [Ohio,  So, yes, the theological life force: we are being pulled by
              USA], it wasn’t very far to Bardstown (Kentucky, USA),  God, but we are afraid that God is going to tell us that
              to Gethsemani Abbey. I’d go and see Thomas Merton, and  therefore we can’t have sex, we can’t enjoy music.  You
              what would we talk about? We didn’t talk about football.  know  what  I’m  saying?  Go to  all  the  fundamentalists.
              We talked about how to get deeper into prayer life and  Look what’s happening with the Taliban right now who
              things of spiritual direction.                 don’t understand that Islam had such beautiful music and
                When Howard Thurman came once to visit in Winnipeg  beautiful mosques and so on, and they just want to make
              [Manitoba, Canada], I asked him, “What would you like to  it all very plain and drab. The people who are trying to
              see?” He wasn’t interested in any landmarks, so I asked him,  [turn] us into holy robots don’t understand that this is not
              “Would you like to talk with a Trappist?” He said, “Yes.” So  what God wants. What God wants is the soul of a person
              I said, “I’ll call the abbot.” He said, “No, I don’t want to see  responding to the kiss that the soul gets from God.
              the abbot. I want to talk to the master of novices.” What a
              wonderful conversation I was able to overhear there when  So a spiritual director would be an agent of
              they were talking about how to go about bringing people  helping lower that resistance to God, which we
              into the reality of the divine experience.     all seem to have?
                                                               That’s right. But there’s a big difference. A person has to
              In your memoir, you say, “Don’t forget where  already have managed a lot of the complex things that are
              you came from, and pay attention to the future  in them. I once heard someone say, “Be careful with spiri-
              that pulls you. We are all being pulled by God  tuality if you haven’t taken care of some of the basic stuff
              to get closer to the intent for which the whole  underneath. Otherwise it’s like putting whipped cream
              universe was created. There is a divine teleo-  on garbage.” So a good spiritual director will be able to
              logical force at work”                         say, “You know, about this thing that is holding you back,
                Yes! Have you read Teilhard de Chardin?      you will need to do some therapeutic work. I can help
                                                             you once you are done with that. If you always fall into
              You’ve read him a lot, have you?               the same trap because you don’t know how to avoid it, no
                Yes. And, the important part is how he says that even  matter what I’m going to share with you about prayer and
              the  planet is undergoing an evolution. And what is the  about being in the presence of the living God, that’s not
              planet moving toward? Divinization of the planet. The  going to help.”
              earth’s evolution goes through the stone age, and the litho-
              sphere becomes the biosphere with life; life becomes noo-  On the individual level, do you believe what
              sphere with consciousness and information. That’s where  psychoanalyst Carl Jung said about the indi-
              we are now, and the noosphere is moving toward becom-  viduation process? Does that mirror what we
              ing the Christosphere. That’s what he calls it, the diviniza-  are talking about right now?
              tion of the planet. That’s why I keep saying that we are just   Yes and no, because Jung is only one. Abraham Maslow
              the same ... as a sunflower, as a heliotropic plant. We are  is another one, but he talks about self-actualization.
              theotropic beings. In other words, God attracts us.  Everybody catches a thread of the great global process.
                                                             So, of course, Jung was right. And Sigmund Freud was
              Accepting that we are theotropic beings, as you  right about some things. But on other things, Jung was
              said, how would spiritual direction influence  right. It’s true that we have to individuate, but we also
              that movement of theotropism?                  have to overcome our desire to protect our presentation
                I wish you could see the broad smile on my face right  of ourselves, which is the Ego. You know how we present

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