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We Are Cells of the Living Planet:
An Interview with Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffmann and Carol Ludwig
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi is considered by many ago who were Tibetans. I felt a kinship with his situa-
to be the father of a movement which has had a profound tion. There are many traditions, and with each tradition
impact on contemporary Judaism. Jewish renewal incorpo- I have another part of my heart that’s connected.
rates social views such as feminism, environmentalism, and
pacifism and is a worldwide, transdenominational move- Was there a particular touchstone experience
ment grounded in Judaism’s prophetic and mystical tradi- you might want to mention?
tions. Worship may include mystical, Hasidic, musical, and One of the very significant things in my childhood
meditative practices drawn from a variety of sources. was that I grew up in Austria, in Vienna. In 1938, I
was in the hospital with an appendectomy the night of
Reb Zalman is loved by both Jewish and non-Jewish people Kristallnacht, when the terrible things happened there.
for his warmth, intellect, charisma, humour. He is considered So, of course, there are tragic elements of that. They are
to be an authority on Jewish spirituality, and is a pioneer of as much the cause of seeking out a connection with the
inter-spiritual dialogue. He told us that he believes we are cells living God as the happy ones.
of the living planet and that we must not become cancer cells.
In your recent meeting in Vancouver, British
resence: You said in Jewish with Feeling: A Columbia, Canada, with the Dalai Lama and
Guide to Meaningful Jewish Practice, “This Bishop Desmond Tutu, you spoke of a con-
may really be the purpose of the universe, temporary cosmology, and said you believe
that we ourselves are God growing each religion is like a vital organ of the planet.
Godself. The task of every person and Would you speak further about this, please?
Pfaith community is to collaborate in that When I was in Vancouver with the Dalai Lama and
process.” I imagine this addresses your main message, Bishop Tutu, we were talking about what the planet
and I expect we will get into this in our time with you needs. It’s become very clear to me that the devastation of
today. the planet is because people only think; all the education
in the Western world has been to enrich the left hemi-
Rabbi Zalman: Probably. sphere of the brain, which is always looking for product
and concepts and not for enchantment and engagement.
Can you tell us about some of the influences So when a person comes to a forest and he looks at how
on your spiritual development over the years? many feet of lumber are there, what a pity, because he has
In my spiritual development, each phase was a pre- never felt what the forest had to tell him. I have a feel-
lude to the next one. So, for instance, there were times ing that the spiritual experience we need today has to be
when I was receiving a lot of training in Kabbalah and more feminine, more ecological, and more right brain.
meditation in Judaism, but that opened up a lot more Everybody seems to be moving in the direction of
when I found out about Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, capitalism, even China and Cuba. That means they are
and so on. These were all stations along the way. always looking at utility. How can I use Earth, and turn it
I’ve met many extraordinary and revered people of into money, instead of thinking the other way. And that
various faith traditions, and I can’t say who stands out is because we don’t have a reality map other than the one
most. There were people who deepened my awareness that speaks in this way: If there is oil we have to pull it
of what Trappist spirituality was, because I had first met out. If there is gold we have to pull it out. Instead of say-
Thomas Merton. It was the same situation with His ing, if I were to be like a Native American, before I dig for
Holiness the Dalai Lama. I had met people a long time oil, I’d have to ask the well if it wants to give it to me. We
6 Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction