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               Spiritual Direction for the Seven Stages of the Spiritual Journey:
               Sufism and Teresa of Avila
               Cheryl Camp

                           here has been a tradition of explaining   journey (“mansions”) as progression in the development
                           the spiritual journey of believers in some   of our capacity to be intimate with God. It is not that
                           religions in terms of stages of development   God is generous with some and miserly with others, but
                           with various images being used to describe   rather God is always trying to enlarge our capacity to
                           them. The mystical tradition of Islam   receive the Divine Presence (Burrows, 42). Hagberg and
               T(Sufism) began early in its history to speak   Guelich (252) use the image of the circle to clarify their
               of “stations” (maqamat) along the spiritual path. Various   stance on stage theory: the stages are on the circumfer-
               numbers were given, but the number seven first appeared   ence of the circle with God in the centre. Each stage has
               in the writings of the Sufi Master As-Sarraj (d. 988), and   equal access to God, only in a different manner.  The
               Farid ad-din Attar (d. c. 1230) used the image of valleys to   writers also hold that the stages are fluid as we move back
               describe them, as did the Bahá’í founder, Bahá’u’lláh. The   and forth between them depending on circumstances,
               Jewish mystical commentary the Zohar, which was compiled   or we may even experience more than one at a time (7).
               and redacted by Moses de Leon (c. 1250–1305), speaks   This imagery mirrors that of the circular path of Sarraj,
               of progressive ecstatic stages known as the Seven Halls of   a tenth-century Sufi. According to spiritual stage theory,
               Heaven. De Leon lived in Avila, Spain, for many years in the   spiritual directees need spiritual direction that is relevant
               latter part of his life.                        to what they are experiencing at their particular stage of
                                                               their journey.
                 The Catholic mystic  Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y   This article explores the theories and insights of
               Ahumada (1515–1582) also lived in Avila as a Carmelite   spiritual stage theory from Islam through Sufism and
               nun. Canonized as a saint in 1622, she became known   Christianity through  Teresa of Avila, and the spiritual
               as  Teresa  of  Avila.  She  was  declared  a  Doctor  of  the   direction best suited for spiritual directees at the differ-
               Church in 1970 because her writings were deemed to   ent stages. Although “each system is integral to itself”
               be of importance to the Catholic Church, and she was   (al Ansari) and “comparisons can often be distortive”
               considered to be of great sanctity and eminent learning.   (Ameur), they can be “equally in conversation with the
               Teresa was influenced by the spiritual writers of her day,   ‘other’ ... [because] there are things which transcend the
               including Ignatius of Loyola (d. 1556), also Spanish, who   cultural  bounds  and  that  humans  know  experientially
               had published his pedagogy of the Spiritual Exercises in   and through the sheer quality of being human” (Ameur).
               1548 to assist retreatants in the “developmental mystical   The “conversation” presented here can enrich spiritual
               process [which] consists of continued, successive trans-  directors’ approaches to travellers along the spiritual jour-
               formations” (Ruffing, 34). It is not impossible that Teresa   ney who come to them for direction.
               was familiar with de Leon’s Seven Halls of Heaven. She
               wrote her own theory of seven mansions in The Interior   Stage 1
               Castle in 1577.                                   In Islam, the Qur’an and Sunna (the example and say-
                 This structural approach has been critiqued as being   ings of the Prophet Muhammad) describe the stages or
               hierarchical and categorizing—hierarchical for implying   stations of a spiritual traveller’s path to God, prescribing
               that people at the “higher” stages are holier than those   a set of guidelines for achieving them (see Al Azhari).
               at “lower” stages, and categorizing for putting people in   In the mystical tradition of Islam—Sufism—spiritual
               “boxes” that do not allow for fluidity. However, Teresa   states (hal) are experienced at the stations of the spiritual
               of Avila, according to Burrows (10–11), held that God   journey (maqam/makam). However, progress through the
               bestows the Divine Self on everyone according to their   stations is not achieved by the seeker’s own effort: “his
               capacity to receive it. Teresa saw the stages of the spiritual   advance from makam to makam is by God’s sway and of

                                                                                   Volume 20  No. 3   •  September 2014  17
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