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               This article also raises an issue that may cause some feel-  Imagining a New Old Church. Herndon, VA: Alban
              ings of disquiet or discomfort within spiritual directors:   Institute, 2004.
              what theology is operating at the level of their foundational   Fowler,  James W.  Stages of Faith:  The Psychology of
              thinking and what might be the source of the theology   Human Development and the Quest for Meaning. San
              they have appropriated. Christian spiritual directors may   Francisco: Harper, 1995.
              need to consider whether and to what degree it is possible   Griffiths, Liz. “We Fall Down and Get Up Again.”
              to integrate the eschatological hope that is embedded in   Sermon preached January 11, 2009, at Saint
              the Bible with the place from which they sit and listen to   Martin’s-in-the-Fields,  Trafalgar Square, London,
              their spiritual directees. This eschatological hope provides a   UK. Accessed February 28, 2013. http://www.
              paradigm that not only incorporates suffering and trauma
              and affirms God’s ongoing work within both the creation   fall-down-and-get-up-again.pdf.
              and people, but also offers hope and eventual transforma-  Haase, Albert. Coming Home to Your True Self. Downers
              tion for those in the place of recovery by affirming that   Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2008.
              God is with us in our mess we call life.       Jamieson, Alan.  Journeying in Faith. London: SPCK,
               Finally,  both  we  and  those  who  invite  us  to  come   2004.
              alongside them on their journey are like the monks who   Jones, W. Paul. The Art of Spiritual Direction. Nashville:
              keep falling down. This, too, is a helpful paradigm of   Upper Room Books, 2002.
              commonality. We fail, we sin, we condemn ourselves, we   Lucien, Richard. “What Really Matters: Suffering and
              give way to self-loathing, we live with our deceptions,   Spirituality.” In Handbook of Spirituality for Ministers,
              suspicious that we are being hoodwinked by our com-  Volume 2, edited by Robert J. Wicks, 69–85. New
              pulsions. And like our pilgrims, we are undertaking the   York: Paulist Press, 2000.
              journey of our lives, conscious of our own wounds and   McDonald, Patrick J., and Claudette M. McDonald.
              the influence of our past trauma upon our relationship   Out of the Ashes: A Handbook for Starting Over. New
              with God and our prayer life. Our experience and hard-  York: Paulist Press, 1997.
              won reflection on our journey is our gift and provides an   McKissock, Mal, and Norman Swan. “Bereavement
              alternative paradigm to the plethora of paradigms which   and Grief.”  The Health Report, Radio National,
              flood our spiritual direction community (Jones, chapters   Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC), origi-
              1 and 5). Such a paradigm is authentic (a uniquely con-  nally broadcast January 14, 2002. Transcript avail-
              structed work, as the etymology of the word implies);   able online. Accessed January 13, 2014. http://www.
              and it is uniquely our own, our own story, our gift.
              Our spiritual directees come because they recognise this   Merton,  Thomas.  The  Inner  Experience:  Notes  on
              authenticity and because they are often perplexed and feel   Contemplation. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco,
              alone on their journey and seek someone who knows the   2003.
              strange landscape they now traverse, which I have called   Morrill, Bruce T. Divine Worship and Human Healing.
              “in recovery.” Few in their family or church communities   Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2009.
              understand this place they now live in. In this sense, they   Saint John of the Cross.  The Ascent of Mount
              are, as the word monk originally meant, alone. And they   Carmel. Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio
              keep falling down and becoming dispirited. Our role as   Rodriguez. Washington: ICS Publications, 1991.
              spiritual directors, when all the listening is done, is to act   ———.  The Dark Night.  Translated by Kieran
              like the baptist of the gospels: directing their attention to   Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez. Washington: ICS
              the One who heals, sustains, calls, and comforts; the One   Publications, 1991.
              who called Lazarus out of death and into life. ■  Yancey, Philip. What’s So Amazing about Grace. Grand
                                                               Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1997.
              Bass, Diana Butler.  The Practicing Congregation:

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