Page 40 - Presence-20.3
P. 40

This circular diagram incorporates the place I have termed “in recovery,” a place in which the person   6
              lodges while sorting out what responses to make to the trauma. This modified paradigm helps to
              account for the frequency with
              SPIRITUAL DIRECTIONwhich a person will experience failure to move on from the
              influences or direct effect of the traumatic experience. The additional box in the paradigm is the
              place in which spiritual directees have often expressed to me that they recognise they are in because
              of the frequency with which they will repeat an event that they have already discussed in an earlier
              meeting. Occasionally they will express frustration or even exasperation that they are still churning
                                                             human experience and yet may conceal other aspects of
                This circular diagram incorporates the place I have
              over something from their past which has been raised in repeated sessions with the spiritual guide.
              termed “in recovery,” a place in which the person lodges   it. Any schematic overview will limit the way we can view
                                                             the process of a person’s experience of God in daily life
              while sorting out what responses to make to the trauma.
              However, even this circular diagram has an inherent problem due to the assumptions which lie
                                                             (even the one which is ultimately proposed). A difficulty
              This modified paradigm helps to account for the frequen-
              behind it. Any paradigm, be it the classical ones proposed by Saint Teresa of Avila, or Saint John of
                                                             with the paradigm above is that it assumes individuals
              cy with which a person will experience failure to move on
              the Cross’s threefold schema (dark night of the senses, dark night of the soul, and then union with
              from the influences or direct effect of the traumatic experi-
                                                             will eventually make their way into the “normal” box
              God), will be both congruent with human experience and yet may conceal other aspects of it. Any
                                                             again, when in fact, they may not, and if they do make
              ence. The additional box in the paradigm is the place in
              schematic overview will limit the way we can view the process of a person’s experience of God in
                                                             their way to the normal box, it will not necessarily be the
              which spiritual directees have often expressed to me that
              daily life (even the one which is ultimately proposed). A difficulty with the paradigm above is that it
              they recognise they are in because of the frequency with
                                                             same “normal” as they had previously experienced. The
              assumes individuals will eventually make their way into the “normal” box again, when in fact, they
              which they will repeat an event that they have already dis-
                                                             reason is simple: they have been profoundly changed by
              may not, and if they do make their way to the normal box, it will not necessarily be the same
                                                             their traumatic experience and are no longer the same
              cussed in an earlier meeting. Occasionally they will express
              “normal” as they had previously experienced. The reason is simple: they have been profoundly
                                                             person. Certain values, attitudes, aspirations, and out-
              frustration or even exasperation that they are still churning
              changed by their traumatic experience and are no longer the same person. Certain values, attitudes,
                                                             look on life have been modified as a result of the experi-
              over something from their past which has been raised in
              aspirations and outlook on life have been modified as a result of the experience, including their
                                                             ence, including their understanding and experience of
              repeated sessions with the spiritual guide.
              understanding and experience of God. As a result of the changes which occur following an acutely
                However, even this circular diagram has an inherent
                                                             God. As a result of the changes that occur following an
              painful experience, and the possibility of remaining in the place of recovery for an extended period
                                                             acutely painful experience, including the possibility of
              problem due to the assumptions which lie behind it.
              of time (which for some might be for the duration of their life), another paradigm needs to be
              Any paradigm, be it the classical ones proposed by Saint
                                                             remaining in the place of recovery for an extended period
              suggested, which is developed below.           of time (that for some might be for the duration of their
              Teresa of Avila, or Saint John of the Cross’s threefold
              schema (dark night of the senses, dark night of the soul,   life), another paradigm needs to be suggested, which is
              and then union with God), will be both congruent with   developed below.
                Normal              Trauma and         Emotional                            New “normal,”
                                    disruption         responses e.g.:     Enclosed place   with new
                                                       fight, grief,        disconnected    person
                                                       sadness, denial,    from past and
              Characteristics of each of these stages
                                          Characteristics of each of these stages
                                                                        “In Recovery”
               Normal  NORMAL     Trauma/Painful      Emotional Responses   “IN RECOVERY”   “NORMALITY”
                                  Experience           RESPONSES
               Peace and stability, life is                          Establishment of some   The hopeful destination
               predictable.      Disruption, habitual religious   Chaos, confusion,   patterns of daily life,   which may not be realised.
                                  Disruption, habitual
                                                      Chaos, confusion,
               Peace and stability, life   practices let go or used as a   fragmentation, loss of   beginning of reclaiming   The hopeful
                                                                        Establishment of some
               is predictable.   means to maintain control.   certitude.  new life. patterns of daily life,   If they do eventually move
                                                                                            destination which
                                                      fragmentation, loss of
                                  religious practices let go
                                  or used as a means to   certitude.   Fragmentation of previous   into this “place” they are
                                                                        beginning of reclaiming
                                                                                            may not be
                                                                                       likely to not be the same
                                                                        new life.
                                  maintain control.                  life continues to exist without   person. realised.
                                                                        Fragmentation of
                                                                     resolution.            If they do
                                                                        previous life continues   eventually move
                                                                     Living with paradox and
                                                                        to exist without
                                                                     episodic periods when the   into this “place”
                                                                     experience “floods” or   they are likely to
                                                                        Living with paradox and
                                                                     intrudes.              not be the same
                                                                        episodic periods when
                                                                     Living with and accepting the   person.
                                                                        the experience “floods”
                                                                     “mark” left by the experience,
                                                                        or intrudes.
                                                                     but transformed. Chaotic
                                                                     feelings diminish; claiming
                                                                        Living with and
                                                                     of new identify forged by the
                                                                        accepting the “mark”
                                                                        left by the experience,
                                                                        but transformed.
                                                                        Chaotic feelings
                In this last schema, the circle acknowledges the experi-  ence of remaining “in recovery” for an extended period.
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