Page 4 - 2020 July Listen - 14-3
P. 4


          The nun, who was no Ingrid Bergman,                  We called upon the ancients
          warned us before we left the convent:                who roamed the land (they were never more
          “Our labyrinth walk is not perfect.                  than a foot and a half away from us,
          The gravel path has weeds                            she promised).
          and goose poop. But then,
          so does the journey                                  We walked deliberately in silence then,

          of life.”                                            finally reaching the aluminum wash tub
                                                               in the center, filled with a network of dried
          She winked and waved us on.                          twigs.
          And we followed, like lemmings                       The nun bent to light them.
          into the cold November night,                        Flames catching slowly,
          flashlights in hand, collars turned                  then rising high,
          against the wind,                                    thin ribbons cutting the night.
          socks double thickness.

          As the full moon rose
          over Hampton Bay,
                                                                  Maria Mandarino is an acupuncturist, massage therapist, and
          we formed a circle and set                            spiritual director who lives in the northwest Phoenix Valley. She
          our intentions as the nun instructed.                    has been writing for over 30 years, has published a novel, and
                                                                                   teaches classes in contemplative writing.

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