Page 7 - 2020 July Listen - 14-3
P. 7


         The old lady poet                                     a poem or heaven

         —never a poetess—                                     the same to her.

         is dying,

         wasting away before my eyes                           “I’m just moving on through it,”

         and ears,                                             she tells me.
         her voice stiffens                                    No not yet, I think, and cry.

         her chuckle flutters

         her cheeks sag and pouch                              If I were God I’d say to her:
         her faith mellows.                                    Gloria, you are a poem

         She is dimming—                                                      Mine.

         only a poem brightens her day,

         engages her mind                                  Rev’d Lyn G. Brakeman is an Episcopal priest and the author of

         delights her soul—                                two books and a 2016 memoir God Is Not a Boy’s Name. Becoming Woman.
                                                           Becoming Priest published by Wipf and Stock/Cascade Books.

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