Page 8 - 2020 July Listen - 14-3
P. 8


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                                                                PUBLISHER: Spiritual Directors International
                                                                EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND EDITOR:

                                                                Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS
            Upgrade your Membership today                       PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: Matt Whitney

                                                                SUBMISSIONS: [email protected]
                                                                ADVERTISING: [email protected]
                                                                Listen is published four times a year. The names Spiritual Directors
                                                                International , SDIWorld , and SDI  and its logo are trademarks of
                    Experience Living                           Spiritual Directors International, Inc., all rights reserved. Opinions and
                                                                programs represented in this publication are of the authors and advertisers
                        Purposefully                            and may not represent the opinions of Spiritual Directors International, the
                                                                Coordinating Council, or the editors.
            Explore life’s basic questions…                      We  WELCOME your feedback on any
                o Who am I?
                o Who can I become?                              aspect  of this  issue  of  LISTEN,  or  on SDI
                o What is my purpose?
                                                                 as a whole. Please send your  comments to
                                                                          [email protected]


           GOES DIGITAL

            You asked for it.... Here it is ... The four most
            recent issues of our International Journal of
            Spiritual Direction, Presence, offered online.

            Access is for members, but non-members can
            have a look at one issue for free. Read now.

            Listen is an outreach publication of SDI - The Home of Spiritual Companionship. When
            you visit the SDI website at, you can learn about retreats,
            programs, conferences, and other educational events related to spiritual companionship.
            You can read descriptions of the spiritual direction relationship from a variety of spiritual
            traditions,  and  discover  excellent  questions  to  ask  yourself  and  any  potential  spiritual
            directors  you  choose  to  interview.  To  locate  a  spiritual  director  or  guide,  go  online  to
            Find a Spiritual Companion Guide. More than 6,000 spiritual directors are listed at  www.

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