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Spiritual direction is raised again and again as an impor- ordained minister in the USA to be granted civil rights in a
tant piece in both authors’ journeys and one of many sig- federal ruling. Contact her at [email protected].
nificant spiritual practices that are helping to birth the new
movements of Spirit. Moreover, I believe the book presents Most Intimate: A Zen Approach to Life’s
an indirect challenge and opportunity to spiritual direction Challenges
as a whole and to spiritual directors as individuals: Is it pos- by Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara
sible for spiritual direction to integrate spiritual activism? Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications, 2014
If so, how can spiritual direction provide a balance so that 140 pages, CAD$19.00, GBP£9.71, USD$16.00
it, like other spiritual systems, does not Reviewed by Monique Keffer
become too introspective and too inter- Most people cannot flee from life’s
nal, insulated from the movements of trials, and stuffing emotions never
sacred activism? And how can spiritual seems to work. What if we were to
directors honor the contemplative and face problems and accompanying feel-
the activist movements in their own ings, ride them like a wave, learn from
spiritual direction? them, and eventually release them?
I highly recommend this book Soto Zen priest and teacher Roshi
for anyone who is concerned about Pat Enkyo O’Hara writes in her book
reforming human systems into ones Most Intimate: A Zen Approach to Life’s
that are cooperative, sustainable, eco- Challenges that Zen is the answer and
friendly, and based on spiritual values helps us become intimate with the
of love, compassion, justice, joy, and self, life issues, and emotions, and, in
peace. I did not agree with everything the process, with all of creation.
in the book, and I wanted a voice Zen teacher Roshi Joan Halifax of
within the book to provide a counter- Upaya Zen Center, Santa Fe, New
point to what is essentially a friendly, Mexico, USA, describes O’Hara as
agreeable dialogue. Both Bucko and Fox are radically one whose life is woven together with the “‘most intimate’
inclusive in their writings and lives—there are no doubts phrase: her practice, her laughter, her service, her scholar-
about that—but I wanted to see that radical inclusivity ship, her love of others, her diligence, her courage, her
demonstrated in the main part of the book. It would have truthfulness and testiness, her wisdom and wit, and her
been a great Via Transformativa symbol to have a woman caring” (xii). From O’Hara’s memory of a childhood tran-
from another tradition as one of the two dialoguers, or to scendent moment to her life as abbot of the Village Zendo
have a chorus of diverse voices provide a conversational in New York City, USA, a touchstone of intimacy weaves
roundtable in place of a dialogue to represent the inclu- throughout.
sivity that is so fundamental to the Occupy movement. Beginning with a chapter on Zen, O’Hara’s text goes
However, as a wise woman once asked me: Why read a on to describe how to work through and learn from expe-
book if you agree with everything in it? We read in order riences. There are chapters on self-knowledge, relation-
to challenge and to be challenged, to listen and learn, and ships, sex, world suffering, anger, healing, work, death,
to expand and grow beyond our comfort zones. Occupy loss, and joy. Through her story and others, O’Hara
Spirituality is a dynamic, courageous read that fulfills illustrates her truths. Each chapter ends with exercises to
these purposes perfectly. ■ practice intimacy through Zen, whether alone, in a pair,
Reverend Monica McDowell, MDiv, is an ordained min- or in a group. Each Zen practice session is designed for
ister in Seattle, Washington, USA, practicing as an energy creating wholeness within the chapter’s featured topic.
healer, spiritual director, writer, and speaker. The author of Simple and seamless, the prose displays O’Hara’s love of
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma, You Are Light, and Zen poetry with each carefully placed word.
Confessions of a Mystic Soccer Mom, she was the first Spiritual directors could use this book in training
Volume 20 No. 3 • September 2014 67