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                 Angelica made a clear distinction between cure and   metaphors of borderland and dance to frame spiritual
                healing in the context of Alzheimer’s: “Cure is a medical   direction, and she offers an “alternative, a third culture …
                term, and healing is a spiritual term. To heal means to   third space where two different cultures encounter one
                ‘make whole.’ This is the life work of our souls and is not   another” (3). She then shares her own experience on the
                dependent on our physical well-being. … Caregiving and   faculty  of  the  spiritual  direction  formation  program  at
                hope are the cornerstones for healing—in the absence of   San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS), California,
                cure, they are all that’s possible” (51).      USA, which took on the process of ameliorating the lack
                 With 44 million people today diagnosed with   of cultural diversity there. SFTS embarked on a multiyear
                Alzheimer’s —a number expected to reach 135 million by   process of discernment and action and then reflected on
                2050, according to Alzheimer’s Disease International—it   what did and did not work in its process. Park explicates
                is likely that virtually all of us, including our spiritual   this experience with transparency and clarity, concluding
                directees, will be touched by this disease in some way.   with a vision for change
                This book offers a way to deal with the vulnerability   that includes creating safe
                and fragility of our existence with life-affirming love. It   space that addresses issues
                reminds us that human beings retain the capacity for   of  marginality, deviance,
                relationship long after disease claims body and mind. We   “hybridity,” (9) and power
                seem never to lose the desire to love and be loved.  ■  dynamics.
                 Linda Douty is a spiritual director and retreat leader   The chapters that follow
                living in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. She is the author of   lift  up  the  personal  testi-
                two new books, Praying in the Messiness of Life: 7 Ways   monies  that  are  integral  to
                to Renew Your Relationship with God and How Did I   the calling and formation
                Get to Be 70 When I’m 35 Inside?: Spiritual Surprises   of spiritual directors and
                of Later Life. Her e-mail address is [email protected].  that shape their ministries
                                                               as well. All of the authors are also members of the Spiritual
                Embodied Spirits:                              Directors of Color Network, which was first convened dur-
                Stories of Spiritual Directors of Color        ing the Spiritual Directors International educational events
                edited by Sherry Bryant-Johnson, Rosalie       in 2008. Each writer’s unique journeys with God, includ-
                Norman-McNaney, and Therese Taylor-            ing challenges, triumphs, and transformations, invite the
                Stinson                                        reader to walk with them as spiritual companions.
                New York, NY: Morehouse Publishing, 2014         Some of the essays are more theologically focused, such
                158 pages, CAD$15.70, GBP£11.51,               as the one from Maurice Nutt, while others are grounded
                USD$18.00                                      in the narrative of the author’s lifelong spiritual autobi-
                Reviewed by Karen L. Erlichman                 ography. For example, Lerita Coleman Brown’s chapter
                 If  there  is  one  spiritual  direction  book  you  must  run   begins with her childhood memory of sitting outside
                out and buy today,  Embodied Spirits:  Stories of Spiritual   on a windy day and feeling connected to the vastness
                Directors of Color is that very book. Embodied Spirits is a   of creation (39). Several authors write about illness and
                collection of thirteen essays written by spiritual directors of   healing, exploring and connecting to a variety of other
                color, primarily African American, and almost exclusively   spiritual traditions and practices; I especially appreci-
                from a Christian perspective.  This anthology celebrates   ated the title of a particularly notable chapter by Ineda P.
                the anointed voices and testimonies of spiritual directors   Adesanya, “Becoming a Contemplative Sistah; Finding
                of color and reflects the long-overdue inclusion of these   Weird Joy in Spiritual Freedom.”
                stories into the canon of spiritual direction literature.  Ruqaiyah Nabe’s chapter offers a fresh addition to
                 The collection opens with an essay by Jung Eun Sophia   the collection, and her story includes her vocations of
                Park that provides useful language and metaphors that   interfaith  ministry  and  interspiritual  spiritual  director.
                frame the remainder of the anthology. Park offers the   Nabe describes open-hearted pilgrimage through many

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