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programs, workshops, sessions, and, indeed, their own lives. ately respond to the people around us.
The very aspects of a good spiritual director are reinforced Silent Compassion describes the ways silence can draw
in this book: being present in each moment, emptying us in and prepare us to respond. Silence is at the heart
of the self, deep listening, alertness, and awareness. In of our connection with the deeply sacred and with the
short, there is a contemplative space found within perfect Sacred that fills our everyday lives. The lessons from
intimacy. Every day, all over the world, spiritual direction silence teach us to grow into compassionate responses in
sessions strive to nurture these qualities so spiritual seekers our lives. “Silence attracts meaning. If you stay silent for
can be one step closer to becoming contemplatives in a whole hour it will be hard not to write a poem” (25).
action. Perhaps this aim is best expressed in a well-known While Rohr writes from his experience as a Franciscan
Zen saying that O’Hara shares in her book: “May we exist religious, he stretches to encompass spiritual traditions
in muddy water with purity like a lotus” (10). ■ outside Christianity as well. The second chapter of Silent
Monique Keffer, MA, is a writer and spiritual director in Compassion, in particular, ties the power of silence and
the Twin Cities of Minnesota, USA. She can be reached at contemplation to a variety of spiritual practices from
[email protected]. different backgrounds. The chapter includes responses
from representatives of other faiths.
Silent Compassion: Silent Compassion is a powerful tool for spiritual direc-
Finding God in Contemplation tors. It is an excellent place to begin discovering the con-
by Richard Rohr templative life, particularly for someone interested in a
Cincinnati, OH: Franciscan Media, 2014 Christian perspective. It is reflective, offering insights and
96 pages, CAD$14.60, GBP£7.88, USD$12.99 suggestions without taking a checklist approach. It values
Reviewed by Greg Richardson silence and compassion and describes the connections
Silent Compassion by Richard Rohr, OFM, is a con- that can support a strong relationship between them.
densed overview and reflection on contemplation and I found a great deal to appreciate and enjoy in this
mysticism in Christian spirituality. The book begins book. Rohr writes clearly and tangibly about ideas that
with the silence that is at the very beginning of the can be difficult to grasp, including the spiritual and psy-
Scriptures: “Silence is not just that which is around words chological aspects of silence. The passages that sparked
and underneath images and events. It has a life of its own. the most reflection for me are in two chapters. The first is
… Silence precedes, undergirds, and grounds everything” “Finding God in the Depths of Silence.” Rohr describes
(1). silence as a living presence itself, primal and primordial,
With the insight and passion we have come to expect which contains all other things.
from his writing, Rohr draws us into the story and The second important chapter for me is “Looking Out
power of silence. He writes with understanding, analysis, in Prayer with Contemplative Eyes.” This chapter focuses
and poetry. Coming from a Christian background, he on “the mysticism of daily life” and describes the relation-
traces the Christian tradition of silence from the Bible ship between contemplation, organized religion, and the
through the desert mothers and fathers, Roman Catholic role of happiness. Silent Compassion is a slim but valuable
and Orthodox teachings, the mystical text The Cloud book. ■
of Unknowing, Julian of Norwich, Celtic Christianity, Greg Richardson is a spiritual director and leadership
Anabaptist churches, the poetry of Gerard Manley coach in Pasadena, California, USA. He is also a lay oblate
Hopkins, and Thomas Merton. with New Camaldoli Monastery near Big Sur, California.
Rohr describes the intimacy and clarity of silence: “The His e-mail address is [email protected].
soul does not use words. It surrounds words with space,
and that is what I mean by silence” (6). Silence gives To read additional book and media reviews,
meaning to the words and music it surrounds. It draws go to, click on the
us into vulnerability and awareness. Silence allows us to Resources menu, select Web Library, and then
know our truest, deepest selves. It calls us to compassion- scroll down to select Bonus Media Reviews.
68 Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction