Page 14 - 31-3 Connections August 2022
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(continued from page 13)
media posts daily or as often as possible - at 5. Ponder ways of connecting with the 80% of the
least twice a week. Social media does not work population that attends no religious services.
consistently because people don’t post consis- 6. Have your own spiritual director and note how
tently. Study books on how to do social media it feels to be a client when you meet with him/
networking. her.
Dr. Bruce Tallman has been
20. Final Keys: Remember as you build your in private practice as a full-
practice that you are doing this not to get rich, time spiritual director since
but because you love others, and want to serve 2002. He works mainly with
them and God. Always remember: it is God, clergy from every Christian
prayer, ethics, your efforts, and living spiritual
values that build your practice. denomination. He has
published two books for
OTHER TIPS spiritual directors: Archetypes
for Spiritual Direction:
Discovering the Heroes
1. Money follows relationships. Trust that referrals
follow love, service and other spiritual values Within (Paulist Press, 2005) and Finding Seekers:
and virtues like wisdom, patience, humility. How to Develop a Spiritual Direction Practice from
Beginning to Full-Time Employment. His most
2. Always thank people who refer clients to you recent book is God’s Ecstatic Love: Transform Your
and keep track of where referrals come from. Life with a Spiritual Masterpiece (Apocryphile Press).
3. Do a 1–3-hour weekly review and planning From 1988 to 2002 Bruce was the director of two
session: review possible contacts and presen- adult religious education centers for the Roman
tations, brainstorm plans for upcoming weeks Catholic Diocese of London, Ontario. Bruce has
and months. a Doctor of Ministry degree in Spiritual Direction
4. Constantly educate people about spiritual from the Graduate Theological Foundation. He
direction. is also an adjunct faculty member of the Haden
Institute of Spiritual Directors.
Connections | Vol. 31.3 Page 14