Page 9 - 31-3 Connections August 2022
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were most likely brought to Haiti by Polish soldiers brings a kind of healing balm to the world that
sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to quell the Haitian includes work around compassion, forgiveness,
slave rebellion. Polish soldiers remained in Haiti grief, self-care, sensuality, transformation, and
following the rebellion, and with them remained power.
the sacred icon of the Madonna of Czestochowa.”
(Oleszkiewicz-Peralba, 2002, pp. 109-110). The Drawing from the memory of my mother as a
Black Madonna is also the African Goddess Elizi source of inspiration, I strive to include feminine
Danto in the Haitian Voodoo spiritual tradition. divine energies into my spiritual counseling
Haitian people revere her as a protector and practice wherever helpful and appropriate. I find
source of strength. that counselees, especially those who identify as
female, are hungry to engage with sacred feminine
Our Lady of Czestochowa became my source figures that resemble their own body images,
of strength as I, like many of us, found myself cultures, and experiences.
navigating the highs and lows of life. One Spirit
Learning Alliance further widened my perspective In my work as a spiritual counselor, others often
of what spirituality could mean for myself and ask me where my training as a social worker fits
gave me a greater appreciation of what spirituality in. I believe that social work complements the
meant for others. This included, among other work I do as a spiritual counselor in many ways.
things, greater awareness of an entire pantheon The social work profession has trained me to view
of cross-cultural feminine divine archetypes and the Whole Person, and my training in spiritual
spiritual figures such as Kali, Kuan Yin, Hecate, Mary counseling has taught me to View the Soul in The
Magdalene, Lilith, The Blessed Mother, Yemaya, Person. Both approaches are necessary, and both
Ochun, and Gaia, to name a few. I discovered go hand in hand.
that these and other Goddesses offer profound A spiritual tenent I hold to be true is the
and often overlooked gifts of wisdom, courage, interconnectedness of all things. We are all a part
guidance, and healing. Living in a world where of a larger intelligent divine system. Everything
God is often gendered as masculine energy, many is sacred and everything is prayer. All life is a
people yearn for greater connection with a more conversation with the Divine, and all life is a sacred
feminized image of the Divine. Sacred femininity dance.
(continued on page 10)
Connections | Vol. 31.3 Page 9