Page 11 - 31-3 Connections August 2022
P. 11
Key Tips on How to
Develop a Spiritual
Direction Practice
By Dr. Bruce Tallman
The following tips have been excerpted from Dr.
Bruce Tallman’s book “Finding Seekers: How to 3. Know Thyself and Thy Work: Know your
Develop a Spiritual Direction Practice from Beginning strong points as a spiritual director or compan-
to Full-Time Employment.” He will be one of the ion and what makes you unique (your niche).
presenters in our upcoming webinar series Making Make sure you can clearly explain your basic
a Living as a Spiritual Director 3 - Growing Your message - what you do and the main benefits
Practice. of your services - in 30 seconds or less.
To make your spiritual direction practice soar, 4. Fees and other options: Know what your fee
please consider the following action steps: needs to be for you to survive. Know how to
raise your fee without losing clients: give three
1. Prayer: If Spirit does not build the house, it months notice and use small increases. Have
won’t get built. Pray every day that God sends different affordable packages people can
you clients. Thank your Higher Power for the choose from if they can’t afford your fee: group
clients you already have and any new ones. Pray workshops, group spiritual direction, etc.
daily for the spiritual growth of your clients.
At the end of each session, tell your directee 5. Expense Tracking: Keep track of all expenses
that you will keep them in your prayers and ask and income. Know what expenses you can write
them to pray that your practice goes well. off.
2. Have a written mission statement for your 6. Quick Response: Get back to people who
practice that is meaningful to you and ener- leave a voicemail, email, or text as soon as
gizes you. Have a plan for fulfilling your mission. possible – within 24 hours. If someone is ready
Pray your mission statement and plan every day. to try spiritual direction, try to meet with them
Tell others about your mission.
the same day (people can change their minds
(continued on page 12)
Connections | Vol. 31.3 Page 11