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                let go of my story I am still nothing. I am, then, a noth-  self  with God.  The time  has arrived to  begin to  talk
                ing whom I do not know, an unknown nothing.    about the Divine within who defines our being—who,
                                                               as theologian Paul Tillich argued many years ago, is the
                Signs of Being Ready                           very ground of our being. One day, after a year of spiri-
                  Timing is important: If we prematurely begin to dis-  tual direction, a traumatized spiritual seeker said to me,
                engage identity from story, traumatized spiritual seekers   “I begin to have a sense of something bigger than me,
                may experience the process as dishonoring the story.   something that has my best interests at heart and is also
                The work of moving beyond story should not begin for   within me.” She wasn’t prepared yet to label that “some-
                traumatized spiritual directees until they have done any   thing” God or Divine Energy or the Holy One, but she
                needed psychological work with a good trauma therapist.   had begun the journey into the presence of the Divine.
                Generally over time, though, when the story has been   She was close to the German mystic Meister Eckhart’s
                told and retold, when they have articulated insights,   awareness: “The seed of God is in us” (28).
                when they have processed the memories with a good   A third sign is when the traumatized spiritual seeker
                trauma therapist if necessary, when they have wrestled   articulates  boredom with  her story. I have a spiritual
                with forgiveness, with suffering, with evil, and especial-  directee, who after years of trauma work in psychother-
                ly when they have come to some sense that the Divine   apy and spiritual direction, said to me one day, “I’m so
                (however that is defined) harbors goodwill toward   tired of this story!” That was a signal to me to invite her
                them, our traumatized spiritual seekers will be ready to   movement away from her identification with story as the
                release. They and we will know the time is right. There   ground of her being.
                are several signs of readiness a discerning spiritual direc-  Moving through these preparative tasks calls forth
                tor will notice.                               skills of deep and compassionate listening, exploring
                  An early indication occurs when the spiritual directee   with our spiritual directees who or what they discern
                tells her story again and again and again, and the internal   about the Divine, much patience, prayer, and more
                sense of the spiritual director is that the story doesn’t   patience.  The process is one of journeying yet again
                move the spiritual directee toward God or healing but is   with the spiritual directee through the deep, strong
                simply spinning. Remember that spinning early in trau-  spiritual issues that are residual effects of trauma: issues
                ma work can indicate a need for further trauma therapy.   of image of Godself, of theodicy, of how God does or
                Spinning also, however, can intimate to the spiritual   does not work in the world, of God’s presence or not in
                director to begin exploring with the traumatized spiritual   the world—especially at the moment of the trauma—of
                seeker what it might take                                             suffering, of sin and evil,
                to lay the story down.                                                of forgiveness.  The fabric
                Perhaps the time has come          Signs of Being Ready               of  our  spiritual  directees’
                to suggest, ever so gently,   •  Story spins without moving           experiences  ground  the
                that she or he is more than   •  Spiritual directee articulates positive experience   questions themselves. They
                personal narrative. If the   with Divine in present                   are truly visceral and exis-
                spiritual directee responds   •  Spiritual seeker expresses boredom with story ■  tential issues, held in the
                positively, then the pro-                                             very cells of their bodies.
                cess of moving beyond                                                 These are not merely aca-
                begins. If there is no response or the response is negative,   demic debate points for our spiritual seekers who have
                it isn’t yet time.                             had traumatic experiences.
                  A second indication of being ready to move happens    At some point, our traumatized spiritual directees
                when the spiritual seeker begins to talk about positive   signal to us they are ready to disengage their identity from
                experiences with the Divine. These are not experiences of   their trauma story. The cue may happen after going to a
                the intellect or even of feeling, although they may begin   conference on mindfulness or living in the present. It may
                there, but of gestalt—of a connection within the whole   happen after they have read a book about the true self or

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