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              can see the ground of their identity in the Divine within   True Self. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2013.
              and without. The spiritual journey becomes lighter and   Silf, Margaret. Inner Compass: An Invitation to Ignatian
              more compassionate, although dark questions and issues   Spirituality. Chicago: Loyola Press, 1999.
              may continue. When identity is disengaged from story   Singer, Michael A.  The  Untethered Soul: The Journey
              and grounded in an awareness of the Divine within   beyond Yourself. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger
              (however that is imaged), spiritual seekers who have   Publications, 2007.
              experienced trauma find they can return to look at the   Tillich, Paul.  Systematic Theology. 3 vols. Chicago:
              story  with  clarity,  with  compassion,  with  a  broadened   University of Chicago Press, 1951.
              perspective, putting responsibility and accountability   Whyte, David. The House of Belonging: Poems. Langley,
              where they belong. The trauma becomes something that   WA: Many Rivers Press, 2006.
              happened to them but no longer defines who they are:
              Their stories are no longer who they are. The shift has
              happened, and identity is now beyond story where actu-
              ally, unrecognized, it has always been—resting with the
              Divine within. The crucible of our story, our story home,
              opens, and Divine light or energy or awareness (however
              our spiritual directees understand the Divine) shines into
              all the corners of our story homes.
                Hundreds of years ago, the Sufi poet Hafiz wrote these   Silent Worship
              lines about the God who only knows four words, “Come

              dance with me”  (270). After much hard work, the    The sky is a startling
              woman who saw herself as the ugly little girl frozen in ice   blue, but
              came one day and said with great surprise and wonder-  we’ve forgotten to notice.
              ment, “The ice is melting and the little girl isn’t ugly and
              filthy: She’s beautiful and free, and God does love me!” I   We walk about
              knew she had detached her identity from story and had   in the most pedestrian way,
              begun to connect with the Divine within. She was ready   forgetting we are here—
              to join the Dance. ■
                                                                  where light
              References                                          etches the trees
              Butcher, Carmen Acevedo.  Hildegard of Bingen: A    in high relief,
                Spiritual Reader. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2007.
              Eckhart, Meister.  Meditations with Meister Eckhart.   and the spaces between
                Edited by Matthew Fox. Santa Fe: Bear, 1982.      reveal everything—
              Hafiz.  The Gift.  Trans. Daniel Ladinsky. New  York:
                Penguin Compass, 1999.                            same as the window
              Herman, Judith Lewis.  Trauma and Recovery:  The    high up in the meeting room
                Aftermath of  Violence—From Domestic Abuse to     framing blue sky,
                Political Terror. New York: Basic Books, 1992.
              Newell, J. Philip.  Christ of the Celts:  The Healing of   slicing angular planes of light
                Creation. San Francsico: Jossey-Bass, 2008.       that pierce the stillness
              Plotkin, Bill.  Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of   to its heart.
                Nature and Psyche. Novato, CA: New World Library,
                2003.                                             Amy Lucinda Runge Gaffney
              Rohr, Richard. Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our

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