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              detachment or letting go. It may happen after a hike in   many traumatized spiritual directees resist because they
              the wilderness when they have felt at one with nature. It   think that to do so means to trivialize the trauma story
              can happen in a myriad of ways, but one day our spiritual   and to render it as somehow unimportant. It can mean
              directees say to us, however they communicate, “I’m ready.”   for them that we as spiritual directors don’t think what
                                                             happened was as bad as it really was. Our spiritual seek-
              Clearing the Ground and Moving Identity        ers may think we are suggesting they forget the story. Of
              beyond Story                                   course, none of this is true.
                The invitation, then, to traumatized spiritual directees   The first phase, then, that spiritual seekers undergo as
              is to disengage identity from story, terrifying as it might   they begin to move beyond story is to understand that
              be, and to recognize their identities as dwelling in the   moving their identity beyond their story does not mean
              core of who they are as a child of the Divine. Poet and   they have to forget their story. Writers from the Jewish
              theologian John Philip Newell writes: “The image of God   scholar and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel to Anglican
              is the essence of our being.                                          Bishop Desmund Tutu of
              It is the core of the human                                           South  Africa  have  warned
              soul” (3). Before getting      Moving Identity beyond Story           of the danger of forgetting
              to the core, though, some   •  Do not have to forget story            atrocities:  We will always
              clearing work needs  to   •  What happened was as horrific as remembered  remember. Traumatized
              happen with our trauma-   •  Does not negate importance of story      spiritual seekers need not
              tized spiritual seekers.  •  Clears space for core self to emerge     forget what happened
                Many years ago, I decid-  •  Recognizes and honors presence of Divine in   to them; what they are
              ed  to  build  a  labyrinth   their lives and in themselves ■         releasing is a false identity
              amongst the trees in our                                              based on the events of the
              property in Colorado. I had                                           story. Their goal, in writer
              to clear the ground. It was a spot that surprisingly had few   Michael Singer’s words, is to discover the “untethered
              trees, given that we live in a forest, but it had many weeds.   soul.”
              During the summer, I labored long to clear the weeds in   Second, traumatized spiritual seekers begin to under-
              order to plot the circles of the labyrinth. It became clear   stand  that  freeing  their  identity  from  their  story  does
              to me, as I pulled weeds and decided to leave some of the   not mean that what happened was not as horrific as they
              beautiful wild flowers, that I was at the same time doing   remember it. We deeply dishonor our spiritual directees
              some inner clearing and releasing. Such is the preparative   if we convey to them in any way that we think their story
              journey (although perhaps not literally!) which our spiri-  is less than they remember. Psychotherapists work to help
              tual seekers who are trauma survivors undergo in order to   the traumatized client process memories and rework some
              separate story from identity and being.        of the distorted thinking that sometimes results from
                The work of moving beyond story as the ground of   traumatic experiences; our role as spiritual directors is to
              being is rewarding and exciting work for both the spiri-  be faithful witnesses to what our spiritual directees tell us.
              tual director and for the traumatized spiritual seeker. At   Correlated to the second, a third task invites trauma-
              the same time, it can be frightening and unnerving for   tized spiritual seekers to understand that to move beyond
              the trauma survivor. Always, this work involves several   the story does not in any way negate the importance of
              tasks that may need  to be revisited  and re-experienced   the story. What happens in our lives forms the context
              from differing places and perspectives. Moving identity   and crucible in which our psychological, physical, and
              beyond story is not necessarily linear or sequential, and it   spiritual being develops. It is the container in which we
              always seems to take longer than either spiritual directors   grow. We learn ways to adapt and grow (some of them
              or spiritual directees would like.             helpful; some not) in the crucibles of our stories.
                Clearing work involves dismantling misunderstandings   Nevertheless,  our  identity  does  not  reside  in  the
              about what giving up story as identity means. Initially,   container itself. Our core is the part of ourselves which

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