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             (LETTERS TO THE EDITOR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4)   people doing spiritual direction less than full time. I did
                                                             spiritual  direction  occasionally  (less than  twenty  hours
              who are not full time spiritual directors. It reminds me of  per week) and then part-time before going full-time, and
              my Baptist youth days when it was made crystal clear that if  I know how challenging spiritual direction can be at every
              you really wanted to be close to the heart of God, you should  one of those levels.
              choose to be a “full time” minister, for only those who gave   Clara Brower is right though that “occasional” would
              their all to service could expect to get divine affirmation.  have been a better choice of words than “casual.” I didn’t
                While Tallman seeks to affirm the ministry of all spiritual  mean to imply that spiritual directors who work at it less
              directors, regardless of the amount of time that they actu-  than twenty hours a week are not serious about their work.
              ally can or do devote to their ministry on a weekly basis, it   Like every spiritual director I know, I try not to get
              is absolutely clear that in his hierarchy of values, it is only  seduced into serving God and mammon. That’s why in
              the full time spiritual directors who really get it and will be  my book  Finding Seekers I stress basing your ministry
              the ambassadors for fulfilling his fantasy of impacting in  and service upon God and prayer. I am more than will-
              ten years the lives of 50 million people.  I didn’t think that  ing to reduce my fee for those who cannot afford it, and I
              the ministry that I love, and frankly do quite well at in my  have provided spiritual direction free of charge.
              small scale format, has now become a megachurch focus on   Bruce Tallman, PhD
              numbers. And what about this focus on money? Have we   London, Ontario, Canada
              become so coopted by the prevailing values of our culture
              that we too suffer the illusion that we can serve God and   Dear Editor:
              mammon at the same time (Matthew 6:24)?          James Juma, MHM’s article, “African  Worldviews:
                It is particularly troubling that Mr. Tallman, in seeking  Their Impact on Spiritual Direction, from a Healing and
              to distinguish the different levels of endeavor—or perhaps  Transformation  Perspective,”  in  the March 2014  issue
              he really means  commitment—that  directors  devote to  moved me deeply. His research “addressing spiritual prob-
              their ministry, chose the word “casual” to identify those  lems within the African context” goes to the very heart of
              who give less than part time (twenty hours) to their min-  spiritual direction for me: listening and paying attention
              istry.  While the dictionary offers a variety of meaning for  (noticing).  The information presented is valuable for a
              the word “casual” such as aimless, unpredictable, random,  better understanding of a certain group of people on the
              incidental, and such, it is only in the middle of these  huge African continent. And, he notes the very different
              rather negative characterizations that it is also defined as  (Western) training of most spiritual directors. For me, his
              occasional. The choice of this term clearly denigrates those  work serves as a reminder of how true this is in my practice
              who have not achieved, and may not want to achieve, his  of spiritual direction. I ask myself, am I really listening
              level of full time ministry.                   to all that is this person? Do I pay attention to how they
                Certainly, if Bruce Tallman is able to manage a full time  experience their  world and what their expectations  are?
              career as a spiritual director, he is to be commended. But  And, do I pay attention to my assumptions, my experi-
              I know from conversations with my other full time col-  ences, and my expectations? Thank you, SDI Presence, for
              leagues, it is not an easy path, especially if you are sensi-  publishing this important article. Thank you, James Juma,
              tive to the diverse economic realities of many spiritual  for your work of compassion and grace.
              directees who cannot afford the exorbitant fees that some   Debra Garfinkel, MDiv
              directors want to charge for their ministry.  But, let’s not   Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA ■
              diminish the ministry of those who choose not to go down
              that full time pathway.                        Correction
                Clara E. Brower                                In the June 2014 issue of  Presence, we mistakenly
                                                             referred to the book  Great Mystics and Social Justice as
                Bruce Tallman responds:                      the basis for Susan Rakoczy, IHM’s article “Women and
                My  article  was  not  meant  in  any  way  to  denigrate  Spiritual Direction.” We regret the error. ■

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