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               (READERS RESPOND CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4)         Interested in her use of the Augsberger triad….
                                                               Highlighted the major stumbling blocks for women as
                reminder that attentiveness to joy and contentment is  spiritual seekers…. Characterizing women as seekers
                essential to spiritual growth and wholeness…. Was a huge  and validating their core experiences set a profoundly
                “put off” for me because of the characterization of emo-  moving context.  The author’s challenge to the idea of
                tions as “positive” or “negative.” All emotions come from a  “self-sacrifice” names a perennial problem and she lays out
                deep and real place within and can be wisdom teachers….  positive encounter methods for spiritual directors….
                Good, affirmative article….
                                                               Male Spirituality
                African Worldviews                              I suggested that my husband read this; thought it
                 Extremely important. Goes to the heart of meeting  would be helpful for his journey…. Reminds me that
                people where they are and inviting spiritual directors to  God is All to everyone, and gender, being a non-issue
                examine their own assumptions and biases…. Reminds  for God, should be a non-issue for us as well…. Good
                me of how strongly my Western influences flavor my own  personal narrative. Applications of Jungian method are
                viewpoint. To venture out of my own culture like this is to  usually illuminative…. Revealing of one man’s search for
                realize that spiritual direction must focus on listening and  a meaningful spirituality, and also of the need we all have
                compassion…. Full of insight for a Westerner like me who  to respect the other’s unique path…. Fitting to have the
                meets with African asylum seekers often in faith settings.  “Women and Spiritual Direction” article back to back
                We in the West need to listen to the African voice….    with the “Male Spirituality” article.… Candor and strug-
                                                               gle deeply appreciated…. Seemed to rub me the wrong
                Sowing Seeds of Love, Reaping Blossoms of Compassion  way. I guess it was in the style of writing…. Several of
                 Liked the interfaith/interspiritual emphasis….  my male spiritual directees have been looking for ways
                Appreciate the perspective of a Muslim spiritual direc-  to incorporate symbol, ceremony and initiation processes
                tor and interfaith minister. Sowing seeds of love, reaping  into their walk with God. This article added a missing
                blossoms of compassion—starting with asking, reflecting  piece—working with a specifically Christian symbol in a
                upon, and answering the seven questions—a wonderful  creative mandala/medicine wheel process that moves into
                framework for our path as spiritual directors…. I believe  the archetypal realm of the male psyche while integrating
                it’s mystic and universal that if we honor God in being  into the earth....
                ourselves, that’s a great worship in any culture…. So awed
                by the consistent presence of compassion as foundational  Walking Together into the Unknown
                in the major faith traditions of every culture. Moving espe-  Rich with imagery, very powerful. ….  Gave me some
                cially in unfolding compassion as applied to self, others,  incentive to walk the Camino…. Beautiful bridging of
                animals, earth and spiritual directees….       human experience and divine presence—any pilgrimage
                                                               is an opportunity to see more clearly how God relates
                Women and Spiritual Direction                  to His creation…. The journey and the body are essen-
                 A real eye opener concerning many women’s issues….  tial partners in spiritual growth. Buen camino!... Found
                How could anyone as hung up on gender issues as this  myself skipping large chunks. I’ve never been on this
                author be a decent spiritual director? If God truly has  pilgrimage,  yet this  told me  nothing new. Too long for
                nothing to do with gender, stop beating us over the  what it conveyed …. Loved the way Kotchian managed to
                head with the spiritual directee’s gender issues. Spiritual  reap insights for life from so many small moments of the
                directors that protest too much over the human condition  journey…. Hospitality and self-care came through loud
                don’t display the honest trust in God that does the spiritual  and clear. The power of the experience was evident….  ■
                directee the most good…. Good survey of various aspects
                of women’s experience. Begs for more depth,  especially
                the section on empathy, sympathy, and interpathy….

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